
1. starstruck,追星族的网名?


1. 星萌

2. 偶像控

3. 明星掌控者

4. 粉丝姐姐/粉丝哥哥

5. 星梦家族

6. 明星狂热者

7. 偶像追逐者

8. 爱追星的小姐姐/小哥哥

9. 明星情报局

10. 明星忠实粉丝


2. 卖火柴的小女孩英文版简写?


The Little Match Girl (Hans Christian Andersen)


The weather was bitter cold and snowy.


The sky was getting dark.


That was the last day of a year—New Year’s Eve.


In this chilly and dark night a cute little girl was walking barefoot on the street.


She was wearing a pair of slippers when she came out from home.


But what was the use?


Those were very big slippers.


They were very big because her mother had been wearing them all along.


When she was crossing the road, two horse-drawn wagons drove by quickly and she lost her shoes in fright.


One of them could not be found and a boy ran away with the other one.


He said he would use it as a cradle when he had a baby in the future.



So the little girl had no choice but to walk barefooted.


Her little feet were red and blue from freezing temperature.


She was carrying many matches in her old apron and holding a bunch of them in her hand.


For the whole day nobody bought even one stick of match from her or gave her a coin.



The poor little girl was cold and hungry.


She was shivering as she walked forward.


Snowflakes fell on her golden long hair which was all curled up and draping over her shoulders.


The hair looked pretty but she did not pay attention to that.


Light came out from every window.


The street was permeating with appetizing smell of roast goose which was something she would not have forgotten because it was New Year’s Eve.



She sat down by a corner of walls and curled up into a ball by huddling her legs.


Even though she felt colder, she would not dare to go home because without selling a stick of match and making any money, her father would surely give her a beating.


What was more, her home was just as cold as the temperature on the street.


There was only a roof over their heads.


Even though the biggest crack was stuffed with grass and shredded fabric, the wind could still come in.



Her little hands were almost frozen stiff.


Oh, even though a small match would do her good.


Would she dare to take out a match from the bundle and light it by striking it against the wall to warm her own little hands?


Finally she took a match out.


With a “click”, the little match was set on fire and flame came out.


She put her little hands over the fire.


What a warm and brilliant flame and it was virtually like a small candle with a peculiar light from fire.


The little girl felt she was sitting in front of a big furnace equipped with shiny copper legs and handles.


The roaring fire was cozily warm and comfortable.


Oh, she wondered what had happened.


Just when she stretched her legs forward to warm them a little, the match extinguished and the furnace disappeared.


She was sitting there with a used match stick in her hand.



Then she lit up another match.


It started burning and gave off bright light.


The light bounced off a wall which turned transparent like fine silk and she could look all the way into the house.


The table was covered with white table-cloth and set with dainty plates and bowls.


A roast-goose stuffed with apple and plum was steaming with appetizing aroma.


The cute thing was with knives and forks stuck into its back, this goose jumped down from a tray and staggered forward on the wooden floor towards this impoverished little girl.


At that time, the lit match went out again and she was only facing a thick, cold wall.



Again she struck another match.


This time she was sitting under a beautiful Christmas tree.


The tree was bigger and prettier than the one inside a wealthy man’s house which she saw through his glass door last Christmas.


On the lush green branches were several thousands of flickering candles and many pretty colorful pictures.


The pictures looked the same as those hanging inside display-windows of department stores and they were blinking their eyes at her.


When the little girl reached for those pictures, the match went out again at that time.


She saw the candle lights rise higher and higher and finally become twinkling stars in the sky.


One star fell all the way down and drew a long narrow red light trail in the sky.



“Someone is going to die,” said the little girl.


Her grandmother was the only person who loved her. When Grandma was still alive she told the little girl that when a star came down, a soul would be going up to God.



She struck another match on the wall and lit it.


This time the match brightened up the surrounding and Grandma appeared in the light.


She was so gentle and doting.


“Grandma!” the little girl shouted out. “Please take me away.


I know when the match extinguishes you will disappear just like the warm furnace, the tasty-smelling roast goose and the beautiful Christmas tree.”



She hurriedly lit a big bunch of matches to hold Grandma back from leaving.


Those matches gave out strong lights and the entire place was lit up like daytime.


Grandma was never so tall and beautiful.


She picked up the little girl and embraced her.


In the midst of brightness and happiness the two of them flew up higher and higher to a place where there was no cold, hunger or pain.



On the next morning, this little girl was found sitting at a corner of walls.


She had red cheeks and a smile at the corner of her mouth.


She died from freezing cold on New Year’s Eve.


Sun of a new year rose up and shone on her little corpse.


The little girl was sitting there and her hand was holding a bunch of burned out match sticks.



“She was trying to get a little warmth for herself,” said some people.


But none of them knew she once saw many beautiful things and was very fortunate.


She was going towards happiness of New Year with her Grandma.

3. 需要几首动感的能跳韵律操的英文歌曲?

jessie j的price tag【歌词 Wanna make the world dance 只想让世人共舞 Forget about the Price Tag 共同忘掉身价牌 We need to take it back in time 我们想要让时光轮回 When music made us all UNITE! 音乐让我们众志成城! katy perry的firework【很励志的 lady gaga的starstruck,paparazzi,alejandro【每一首的节奏感都很强 很不错的舞曲

4. 关于王俊凯的追星文案英文?

He is a good boy.He has a man to worship,his Jay Chou.He sings very well.I like his songs very much.He has a lot of admirers.They are all called little crabs.He is a hard worker,He will have a stage show,So he practiced dancing very hard.He's always on hot searches.

5. baby歌词中文谐音?

baby - ---Justin Bieber 歌词的中文谐音


baby - ---Justin Bieber 歌词的中文谐音


Ohh wooaah (3x)

You know you love me,I know you care


You shout whenever, And I'll be there


You want my love, You want my heart


And we will never ever ever be apart


Are we an item? Girl quit playing


Were just friends, Or are we saying


So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes


My first love broke my heart for the first time,


And I was like


baby, baby, baby nooo


My baby, baby, baby noo


My baby, baby, baby nooo


I thought youd always be mine mine


Baby, baby, baby nooo


My baby, baby, baby noo


My baby, baby, baby nooo


I thought youd always be mine mine

爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖oh oh

For you, I would have done whatever


Another chance and we, We get together

额那ther禅寺案的为,为盖特 特该ther

And wanna play it cool, About loosin' you


I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring


And i'm in piece , baby fix me


And you'll shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream

案的有(威尔)谁可迷 忒(儿)有每克迷from this版的追慕

Im going down, down, dooown


And just can't believe my first love won't be around


Baby, baby, baby nooo

Baby, baby, baby nooo

My baby, baby, baby noo

My baby, baby, baby nooo

I thought youd always be mine

When i was 13 i had my first love


Here was nobody to compare my baby


And nobody came between us or could ever come above

案的no把dei尅木比吞啊字or哭的爱我(儿)卡姆 额宝物

She had me goin crazy


Oh i was starstruck.


She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks


She made my heart pound


Asking for a beat when i see her in the street

阿斯king for 额百特问唉sei喝(儿)因the死追特

And in the school on the playground

案的因the四顾昂the普累股ruang 的

But i really wanna see her on the weekends


She knows she got me dazy

谁nos 谁高特迷呆zy

Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking


But i just keep on sayin


Baby, baby, baby nooo

My baby, baby, baby noo

My baby, baby, baby nooo

I thought youd always be mine x2


Now Im all gone



6. deadlock?


In fact, being popular is familiar with interpersonal relationships in a radius of operation. In need "round" Yuantong some time, will be able to complex human relations, to obtain permits smooth life. This technology is good at being four games, and its function can be summed up in 10 words: mediate disputes, resolve contradictions, to avoid embarrassment, to break the deadlock.

From the perspective of the initiative said that a well-behaved people exposed ugly smoothed things over, take the initiative to fight for the number of field; others into a dilemma, take the initiative to rescue, to give him to find a higher level so that he won the next Taiwan.

From the passive side, self-inflicted mistakes, we should be good at fighting, to justify itself; unfortunately fall into the hands of social deadlock,breaking the ice cold market; with people is likely to produce unpleasant, the more indispensable and and "slurry" Let the other side lost little more face-saving, and maintain decent, thereby to bring the issue to settle, or even change a bad thing for good.

For style, the story rather than have a good karma resources, less surgery Reconciliation

technical support, there will probably be a "Substandard works" is only to talk about and can not achieve the illusion of, at most, like soap bubbles, like the "one round. "

1. There has not been advised of the aircraft

No conflicts and disputes, interpersonal nothing on the market can chart, and less embarrassing impasse, and need not talk about mediation and that and. Instead, as long as there is these things, it inevitably Excuse me peacemaker have to significantly significant skill. In fact, as long as there Reconciliation

surgery, no advised not to open the frame, there is no swelling on the skin's death can not be untied.

Not finding fault in front with those who abuse quarrel disputes occurred, they will not understand the following facts: noise inextricably linked the two sides (including the provocative side), all hope that early assessments. However, because those who gather together to create the onlookers watching in the next, I would like to close all they could not. Thus, if the two sides become increasingly acute, the tone has become increasingly hard, and even the evolution of a scene for the scuffle. When the quarrel of the two sides kicked and beaten, while onlookers also do wall concept, indifferent, then it really make people feel a bit "sad."

This is not in the vehicle or the road of fighting, the presence is a workplace with colleagues Yes, this time, the two sides will want to fight: "The nature of these people are exposed out.

This shows that if you can come forward to rescue, they are grateful for your heart, certainly, as we do not Taotao continuous river, and your "human fruit" come to one place since Needless to say, when you need people to come to your rescue when people may be willing to charge the talking for you, you can also suffer from more flesh.

Be advised of this action I also do the frame, must have experience.

Not enough people fighting experience, I can not tell a good time to mediate, so the delay did not dare to come forward and left to mediate. For example, did not see the opportunity to mediate on the move, saying: "Hey, Hey, you two should have been stopped had!"

One may凶巴巴said: "What are you two? Pick a quarrel is him!"

Another may catch the tail, then, critical to say; "what should have been stopped? Overdue What does it mean?"

If only one of them said: "Hey, do not hit!"

This, in turn, easily be mistaken for another favor, and were advised not to stop the one they may believe that they themselves have been as big bad guys.

Then, to mediate a good time to what is it?

① If both sides sit in situ, when one of them suddenly raised his voice to stand up when;

② If the parties are standing in situ, in which a sudden step forward, when the notice is about the use of force.

This time, the men immediately and put an end to notice the use of force, and not be in favor of any party. The problem is, there is no fighting experience, it is difficult to distinguish between such a force. Thus, the two sides on the confrontation, and has already begun in the scuffle when approached to mediate, the possibility of挨揍quite large. Precisely because of this, the onlookers and the general was not easily approached to mediate.

If you can not open the two sides before the use of force, to mediate the essentials, must be of the following methods.

People have to mediate挨揍consciousness, and then forcibly squeeze himself between the two men. At the same time, as far as possible domineering shouted out: "stop!" This could be the "池鱼之殃" to minimize the lowest level.

Remember: Do not be completely avoided in order to "池鱼之殃" and wait until the fighting ended when approached to mediate, to do so on would be too cruel.

While the winner may be a different matter, at least to bear the defeat of those who think about flesh pain tolerance, timeliness is critical juncture out to be a reconciliation, in order to defeat those who play the role of God the ambulance, it would be an act of boundless beneficence.

As seen in together, to see someone else fights, fighting, even if we can control and no matter,坐山观虎斗like peep show to see if it too had no conscience. What's more, you go to mediate, mediation, so that quarrels and fights both sides can feel there is a ray of warmth: not everyone is oblivious to all this, ruthless.

One thing is certain: If you move a knife去劝aircraft gun, then you will in all likelihood "wounded in action." Smooth as a person, if not help to circle the field, then play "Chuan" find someone to help.

2. Qiao tongue dead knots untied

Most of the disputes in the use of force is not so exciting, are generally text drama. Such as family disputes, disputes between relatives and friends, colleagues of disputes between the disputes between neighbors, disputes between strangers. If you do not be resolved in a timely manner, no doubt will affect the mutual relations and social stability and unity. So grasp the mediation of disputes and resolve contradictions in the language of art is very important. Smooth things over many cases articulate their implementation.

①动真情, round in well-advised in with Granville.

Chen conflict with a movie star, turned away. Chen砸门wanted to relieve the anger in my heart. Chen, an old police officer said: "The good brother, your heart I can understand, we know that you are her husband, so this is your home. But if you create here what an unpleasant, it will let other people have excuses, there is another point, a place of refuge the Spring Festival holiday, once created an unpleasant, we should have called other police officers, which you say there is no home? Which one do not want to have a reunion years? you can think twice. "

The language of the old police seemingly simple, yet full of Chen's understanding of the situation, "This is your home" This is just a word, both expressed their deep sympathy for Chen, but also contains a certain Star accused of inappropriate behavior. At the same time, the old police, then also full of concern for his colleagues, that is, if Chen created unpleasant things is likely to make his comrades had bad Spring Festival. It is obvious that the language of the old police also full of a "Do not do illegal things" means. It is the old police this financial situation in the language of the rationale caused Chen's thinking, so that Chen gave up impulsive behavior, which subsided this may violate the law disputes.

② eliminate misunderstanding, something good to discuss.

Some of the disputes because of misunderstandings caused by, so as long as that line from, we can eliminate misunderstandings and resolve contradictions. Guangzhou City and the town with several pipe IPPF cadres to work in private pharmacies check ~ family planning work. Pharmacy owner kicked up a row, led to mass hundreds of onlookers. At this time, party secretary of the town rushed to the pharmacy. He pharmacy boss said: "Let's discuss something good, noise can not solve the problem. Checks family planning work, it is the provisions of the city, you talk about the situation clearly, with our work. If you have difficulties, they do not violate the policy , we can help you to solve. "pharmacy owner listened, I thought I misunderstood the town cadres malicious, suddenly deflated, and recognizing their own mistakes, that tie in with the work, to undergo an examination. This contradiction is resolved.

③ Miao apologize to an amicable settlement.

Some conflicts or disputes on both sides desire to mediate, but the moment can not find the steps. Mediators can skillfully apologize on behalf of one party to another, thus giving rise to the other party moved to apologize and take the initiative to offer each other. This would effectively contribute to reconciliation between the two parties. Liang Xiaosheng famous writer in his book said such a thing, and his mother and neighbors and Lu Lu Auntie Auntie's son the size of the problem occurred because of land disputes, he understood the situation, first of all criticized the mother, Lu pointed out that his wife and In the window the size of the house then things can be understood, as his family, and no place to live. Liang Lu and then to his wife at home for his mother said something to apologize and good language.卢叔, Lu Liang Xiaosheng, then listened to his wife, one pulling one of his hands very emotionally said: "can not blame your mother, can not blame your mother." Beam size to the mother to admit that he does not quarrel with is the lack of respect for Liang mother's performance. In this way I am afraid the two mutual understanding and good unabated.

④ to find the balance, each playing 30 strokes of the cane

Some of the disputes as a result of complex causes, or a long time, so the facilitator to the specific circumstances of a specific analysis, the dialectical articulation of reasoning, so that they have a sense of identity, to reach a consensus in order to settle the dispute. Guangzhou City and the town of the same village with the garrison on land ownership disputes occur, the years have not resolved. They were invited to the town party secretary. Party secretary in the full understanding of the situation based on his views, he said: "to resolve the issue of land disputes, we have to set the principles of faith, that is, respect history and face reality, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation. Consultations. Land by force draw a red line, the unit has already built a wall, in the use of force, although the troops were not compensation, but they are not yet received land use certificates, but the local to the cardinal principles in mind, the overall situation, to support the forces. draw a red line, but the troops did not use, nor requisition, villagers still new land, in the final of all places. there is no designated red line, but has been used by the forces of land for military facilities are still under the force; use of military facilities for the land if the force change the purpose, can be recovered, you can use the joint development. "Both sides accepted the secretary's views, quickly reached an agreement. Outstanding issues of land ownership dispute is finally resolved.

⑤生智urgency, "bite the text" ride height.

In a train, a woman selling ice cream, first called the Second angle five-block, the latter also known as five cents a piece. A woman to buy ice cream, said: "in front of the Second Kakugo sell, sell back the Pentagon, there is such a business it?" The vendor said: "This is called a penny goods, how can the Second and the Kakugo Compared to the Pentagon, my ice-cream authentic goods. "Provisional a meeting of the sentence:" Tiger of the Palestinian-qing (Northeast words "stupid" means). "face of women to buy ice-cream"唰"to the dark negative loudly said: "This is how you say? you say who was responsible for" the Palestinian QING tiger "of?" All of a sudden傻了眼seller, the buyer called the more interesting talks, a war about to break out. At this time struck a passenger, said: "The eldest sister, she said that the ice-cream" bitterness "to the Palestinian-ching, and is not to say that you" Tiger Palestinian Betty, "the." Vendor also echo said: "I am talking about ice cream, not to say that you, I am sorry I did not say clearly. "next to people who also said:" Just now, she said "bitter" instead of "tiger". "buyers that they would gradually become cloudy to sunny, a sunny face again:" Oh, I want to deaf ears, how playing the bifurcated, I am sorry! "the seller to圆场who smiled gratefully and leave the territory.

⑥ Qiao Table heart, humor and arms.

A unit of a pair of middle-aged couple, married nearly 10 years ~ straight good relations between the two sides. But more recently, in the issue of social entertainment, the two conflicts have taken place, no one who说服不了. From the four corners to a quarrel and then scolding, much uproar in town, facing the breakup of a serious crisis. In the leadership and concern for friends and family, under the persuasion and persuasion, they finally sit down calmly to each other "pledge one's allegiance," but no one wants to open "guilty plea", the man finally opened the first of four, said: "We are in the struggle Seeking unity, survival and development, today, to get into such a peaceful democracy, a new phase of consultation is the result of our joint efforts, it did not come easily ah! "is concise, short love words long. Woman's potential to take over the thread of her conversation also said: "Yes ah! Precisely because it is not easy to come by, so we should treasure this excellent situation of stability and unity!" Husband and wife is to put all this in, Yizhuang also harmonic, fun dialogue each paid a heart, understanding, and resolve the contradictions, make up.

3. "圆场" seven common skills

In social activities, can be provided in a timely manner an appropriate level, is the avoidance of loss of face is one of the major principles圆场. However, what steps

7. percent歌词?

You ready let's go


For those of you that want to know what we're all about

It's like this y'all c'mon

This is ten percent luck

Twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure

Fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

Mike he doesn't need his name up in lights

He just wants to be heard

Whether it's the beat or the mic

He feels so unlike everybody else alone

In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know Him

But f**k 'em he knows the code

It's not about the salary

It's all about reality and making some noise

Making a story making sure his clique stays up

That means when he puts it down

Tak's pickin' it up let's go

Who the hell is he anyway

He never really talks much

Never concerned with status but still leaving 'em star-struck

Humbled through opportunities Given despite the fact

That many misjudge him 'cause he makes a living from writing raps

Put it together himself now the picture connects

Never asking for someone's help or to get some respect

He's only focused on what he wrote his will is beyond reach

And now it all unfolds the skill of an artist

This is twenty percent skill eighty percent beer

Be a hundred percent clear 'cause Ryu is ill

Who would've thought he'd be the one to set the west in flames

And I heard him wreck it with the crystal method

Name of the game

Came back dropped Megadef

Took 'em to church

I like bleach man

Ryu had the stupidest verse

This dude is the truth now

Everybody givin' him guest spots

His stock's through the roof

I heard he f**kin' with s dot

This is ten percent luck twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

They call him Ryu the sick

And he's spittin' fire with mike

Got him out the dryer he's hot

Found him in fort minor with Tak

What a f**king nihilist

Porcupine he's a prick he's a c**k

The type woman want to be with and rappers hope he get shot

Eight years in the making

Patiently waiting to blow

Now the record with shinoda's

Taking over the globe

He's got a partner in crime his sh*t is equally dope

You won't believe the kind of sh*t that comes out of this kid's throat

Tak he's not your everyday on the block

He knows how to work with what he's got

Making his way to the top

He often gets a comment on his name

People keep asking him

Was it given at birth or does it stand for an acronym

No he's living proof

Got him rocking the booth

He'll get you buzzing quicker than a shot of vodka with juice

Him and his crew are known around as one of the best

Dedicated to what they doing

Give a hundred percent

Forget Mike nobody really knows how or why he works so hard

It seems like he's never got time

Because he writes every note and he writes every line

And I've seen him at work

When that light goes on in his mind

It's like a design is written in his head every time

Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme

And those motherf**kers he runs with

Those kids that he signed

Ridiculous without even trying how do they do it

This is ten percent luck

Twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure

Fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

This is ten percent luck

Twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure

Fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

Yeah Fort Minor M Shinoda

Styles of Beyond

Ryu Takbir Machine Shop

上一篇 2024年08月25日
下一篇 2024年08月25日


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